Tsai Ing-Wen, The President of Our Country, Visited Our Main Headquarters!

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We are very honored as Tsai Ing-wen, the president of our country, visited our main headquarters!

Followed by 16 media outlets, the president gave us some very inspiring words and wisdom!

As we go on making high-quality tools for the world, our government is behind us with the support that we need,

helping us get through these tough times, especially during this global pandemic.

We hope everyone is doing well, and also enjoying your work!


The president Tsai explores the difference in sockets.

President Tsai

KING TONY discuss with government officials

President Tsai

Give a gift to the president

President Tsai

Group photo

President Tsai



1、總統參訪「金統立工業股份有限公司 / 總統府網站新聞


2、總統參訪中部手工具產業 允諾協助度過難關 / 聯合新聞網


3、參訪中部工廠「很有興趣」!蔡英文自爆童年小故事 / 民視新聞網


4、蔡英文參訪手工具廠商 讚:做得很好 / 中時電子報


5、手工具全球龍頭業績慘跌6成 蔡英文訪視被讚紓困效率高 / 蘋果即時


6、參觀台中烏日手工具廠 蔡英文:這些工具我從小看到大 / 自由財經




1、20200622 總統參訪「金統立工業股份有限公司」


2、大台中新聞 蔡英文參訪手工具企業 關心紓困推動情形


3、參訪中部工廠 蔡總統:我在汽車修理廠長大-民視新聞
